How do I manage my horse's weight in spring?

With longer days and warmer weather, most horse owners have been longing for spring to come back. It can however be a more challenging time for managing your horse’s weight....

Turning horses out on spring grass

At long last spring is on its way, with this we can start to turn our horses out more and they will be loving the lush spring grass. ‘Dr Green’...

Tips for pet owners during fireworks season

Bonfire Night marks the unofficial beginning of the festive season in the UK. This period between early November and New Year’s Eve can be a stressful time for pets, horses...

Meet brand ambassador Lucie

Passionate horse rider and owner, the mental and physical well-being of my horses is a priority. My name is Lucie, I am a 22-year-old law student. I have been lucky...

What are the benefits of steaming vs soaking hay?

Soaking hay is a tried and tested method to reduce the impact of dust in forage. It is especially useful for horses suffering from respiratory issues such as allergies. However,...

Comment fonctionne le renforcement positif ?

Le renforcement positif est une forme d’apprentissage qui vise à récompenser des comportements souhaités. C’est une méthode respectueuse et efficace afin d’obtenir une relation harmonieuse avec ton cheval. Ce système...

Benefits of garlic for horses and dogs

The use of garlic as a health supplement has been around for thousands of years. There are records of Egyptians feeding their slaves garlic to keep them healthy and as...

L'ulcère gastrique du cheval

Tous les chevaux de tous âges peuvent présenter des ulcères gastriques. Des recherches montrent que jusqu’à 70% des chevaux de sport souffrent d’ulcères.   1. Qu’est-ce qu’un ulcère ? L’ulcère...

Gagnez vos billets pour Equita

Concours ouvert du 12 au 19 octobre 2023.Comment participer ?La règle de participation au concours est la suivante :- S’abonner au compte @hiltonherbs_france- En commentaire, tagger les personnes avec qui...

What is sycamore poisoning?

Atypical Myopathy (AM) or sycamore poisoning is a form of non-exertional rhabdomyolysis (NRE). It is a rare but potentially fatal pathology that can affect horses. It doesn’t seem to affect...

Herbs to support the urinary system

With the fantastic hot weather we have been having, we should be making sure that both our animals and ourselves are staying well hydrated, ensuring there is no additional pressure...

Qu'est-ce qu'un abcès de pied chez le cheval? Causes, traitements et prévention.

Les abcès de pied chez le cheval sont relativement monnaie courante mais sont souvent inquiétants. Ils apparaissent soudainement à travers une boiterie prononcée et inexpliquée, le refus de donner le...
