How do I manage my horse's weight in spring?

With longer days and warmer weather, most horse owners have been longing for spring to come back. It can however be a more challenging time for managing your horse’s weight....

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Turning horses out on spring grass

At long last spring is on its way, with this we can start to turn our horses out more and they will be loving the lush spring grass. ‘Dr Green’...

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Supplements for skin and coat

The largest organ in the body is the skin, in most cases for our animal companions, this also means lots of hair. Most animals shed twice a year in the...

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Should I give my horse a detox?

Detoxing is a popular way to support your horses‘ health, but what does it really mean? Over time, from illness or aging, organs can accumulate toxins. These toxins can impact...

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Should I feed my horse salt?

When it comes to the health and well-being of your horse or pony, providing proper nutrition is paramount. Salt, in the right quantities, is essential for your horse's health but...

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Box rest for horses | Tips and advice

Did your horse recently get injured and needs a period of box rest as well as daily treatments and/or bandages? Are you wondering how you will be able to keep...

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Tips to care for your horse's skin in winter

Like us, our horse's skin and health can be affected by the weather. In winter horses can suffer from dry skin from the elements and the cold dry air can...

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Tips for pet owners during fireworks season

Bonfire Night marks the unofficial beginning of the festive season in the UK. This period between early November and New Year’s Eve can be a stressful time for pets, horses...

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Treating Mud fever in horses

Mud fever, also known as pastern dermatitis or scratches, is a common skin condition that affects horses, particularly in wet and muddy conditions. What are the causes of mud fever?...

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Comment fonctionne le renforcement positif ?

Le renforcement positif est une forme d’apprentissage qui vise à récompenser des comportements souhaités. C’est une méthode respectueuse et efficace afin d’obtenir une relation harmonieuse avec ton cheval. Ce système...

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Benefits of garlic for horses and dogs

The use of garlic as a health supplement has been around for thousands of years. There are records of Egyptians feeding their slaves garlic to keep them healthy and as...

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L'ulcère gastrique du cheval

Tous les chevaux de tous âges peuvent présenter des ulcères gastriques. Des recherches montrent que jusqu’à 70% des chevaux de sport souffrent d’ulcères.   1. Qu’est-ce qu’un ulcère ? L’ulcère...

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