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Box rest for horses | Tips and advice

Did your horse recently get injured and needs a period of box rest as well as daily treatments and/or bandages?

Are you wondering how you will be able to keep him or her calm and occupied during the day? This is exactly what I asked myself three months ago when my horse stood on a nail, which caused an infection in the pedal bone.

Don’t panic, Hilton Herbs are here to give you some advice to help you through this difficult time. If it’s of any consolation, remember that horses are fascinating creatures that can show a lot of resilience!

A guide to box rest for horses

What to feed a horse on box rest?

Boredom, games and hay, always more hay

We all know, in the wild horses are constantly moving in order to find food. Therefore, locking them up in a stable for a long period of time can be stressful and confusing for them. So it is important to make sure that they are kept busy during their recovery.

  • If possible give them ad-lib hay in hay nets – it’ll take them longer to eat it
  • Tie a swede to a string and hang it up in the stable, your horse will love trying to nibble it
  • Apple bobbing is also a great game (my horse loved this!)
  • Boredom balls and a good salt lick are also a must

You can find all sorts of tips and boredom busting games online to help your horse when he’s on box rest, so make sure you do a bit of research.

Try to avoid leaving your horse on his own

Once again, we are all aware that horses are social animals. While your horse is recovering and resting, they will enjoy having some company and activity around them. If possible, make sure your horse is next to other horses and somewhere in the yard where there is movement so they don’t feel lonely and abandoned.

Having the radio on can also help, some horses are very responsive to it.

How to improve the box rest process

horse box rest boredom

Develop your relationship with your horse

We know that box rest is far from ideal. However, this ‘down time’ may also be an opportunity to reinforce the bond between you and your horse! Don’t hesitate to offer more attention than usual, groom him more often, give him a massage. If possible, try to spend some quality time with him even if it means more time and effort.

At the end of the day, why not make this difficult period a bit sweeter for the both of you?

Our product recommendations

Rest & Recover Liquid is formulated to maintain and support:

  • horses on box rest or during initial turnout
  • a calm and relaxed outlook
  • a healthy digestive system
  • an efficient circulatory system
  • balanced lymphatic system
  • veteran horses who become anxious or worried

Rest & Recover Gold is a fast absorbing liquid supplement containing herbs including devils claw root, hawthorn and valerian. It is ideal for horses on enforced box rest or during initial turnout, helping to maintain a calm, relaxed outlook whilst they recover.

One of our topical products Bruise Aid, Leg Aid or Muscle Magic, would be ideal to use alongside this mobility supplement or our Phytobalm cream for minor wounds.





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