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How did it all begin?
The Hilton Herbs story began in 1990, with a horse called Ryan.
Ryan was suffering from an arthritic condition and wasn't really responding to veterinary treatment. His owners, Tony and Hilary Self, were also concerned about the possible consequences of the long-term use of pharmaceuticals to manage Ryan's condition.
So, Hilary threw herself into research and formulated a herbal supplement that would support Ryan using the power of nature. Hilary had created what eventually became our Hilton Herbs Multi-Flex blend, still a best-seller today.
With Devil's Claw root, Hawthorne tops and Milk Thistle seed doing their work, Ryan began to show an improvement and soon other owners on the livery yard were asking Hilary to formulate blends for their horses. Hilary realised this was the beginning of a new opportunity, and Hilton Herbs was born.
Cementing her expertise, Hilary took a BSc degree in Herbal Medicine. She has also written two books, A Modern Horse Herbal and the Veteran Horse Herbal.
The Hilton Herbs story
Hilton Herbs have been trusted by owners with the health of their pets for over thirty years.
What began as a single, handcrafted blend to support an arthritic horse has become a renowned range of herbal supplements that support horses, dogs, cats and birds.
And we're only just getting started...
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Our blends are developed with certified medical herbalists and holistic veterinarians.
Our customers can feel confident that they're getting an expertly developed, safe and effective product that's backed by over thirty years of expertise.

Our blends are developed with certified medical herbalists and holistic veterinarians.
Our customers can feel confident that they're getting an expertly developed, safe and effective product that's backed by over thirty years of expertise.

Our blends are developed with certified medical herbalists and holistic veterinarians.
Our customers can feel confident that they're getting an expertly developed, safe and effective product that's backed by over thirty years of expertise.
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