Terms & Conditions
- Reward points can only be attributed/redeemed if you register an account with us and if you are logged into your account.
- Using the guest checkout does not entitle you to points on your purchases.
- Reward points are not attributed on the shipping cost.
- When you buy any Hilton Herbs product on our website we will give you reward points for each purchase.  For every £1 you spend you will earn 1 reward point so £1=1 point.
- Reward points can also be gained by doing product reviews but you do need to be logged into your account otherwise the points will not be attributed.
- You will be asked at Checkout if you want to use your points and you can redeem all or some of the points at this stage. If you redeem all your points the maximum value is the total value of your order before shipping.
- Each product has a value in points, for example, a 1L Multi-Flex Gold which costs £28.33 has a value of 28 points.
- When redeeming points 10 points = £1 so to buy a 1L Multi-Flex Gold you would need 283 points.
- To make sure you get the most out of your Hilton Herbs Reward points, we will send you an account summary quarterly.
- Reward points are not transferable.
- Reward points have no cash value.