Meet brand ambassador Lucie

Passionate horse rider and owner, the mental and physical well-being of my horses is a priority. My name is Lucie, I am a 22-year-old law student. I have been lucky...

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Herbs to support the digestive system

Nature has provided an abundance of herbs to support the digestive system, promote and encourage appetite, aid in the absorption of nutrients or help heal damage to the digestive tract....

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What are the benefits of steaming vs soaking hay?

Soaking hay is a tried and tested method to reduce the impact of dust in forage. It is especially useful for horses suffering from respiratory issues such as allergies. However,...

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Benefits of garlic for horses and dogs

The use of garlic as a health supplement has been around for thousands of years. There are records of Egyptians feeding their slaves garlic to keep them healthy and as...

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The benefits of Scullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia)

Scullcap - Scutellaria laterifolia Scullcap is known for its ability to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, making it helpful for stress relief. It can help reduce inflammation, which may benefit...

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What is sycamore poisoning?

Atypical Myopathy (AM) or sycamore poisoning is a form of non-exertional rhabdomyolysis (NRE). It is a rare but potentially fatal pathology that can affect horses. It doesn’t seem to affect...

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Herbs to support the urinary system

With the fantastic hot weather we have been having, we should be making sure that both our animals and ourselves are staying well hydrated, ensuring there is no additional pressure...

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Why should we do hill work with our horses?

Why should we seek out hills or big slopes to ride our horses on? From strengthening to suppling, incorporating regular hill work into your horse’s schooling regime can reap rewards,...

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Phantom pregnancy in dogs

Phantom pregnancy, or pseudopregnancy can affect all mammals and is common in female dogs (bitches). 1. The female dogs reproductive cycle As soon as a bitch is sexually mature (between...

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How much exercise should my puppy get?

How quickly an animal can walk after birth has a strong correlation to its place in the food chain. For domestic dogs their ancestors the wolves rank high up and...

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Help: my horse is headshaking!

What is it headshaking? Headshaking is characterised by a sharp, usually vertical movement of the head which is usually described as a rapid downward jerk of the nose followed by...

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How do you reward a dog without treats?

Rewarding your dog is an extremely important part of the training cycle. It’s not just about using rewards to train a dog to sit or stay, but also to praise...

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